LaTeX macro screenshot


The list below refers to the numbers on the screenshot.

1 - Button for opening the LaTeX macro (this button is in the goodies sub-directory), it can be set to opening the LaTeX macro dialog box in "Global options/Tool bar/+/macros/LaTeX" (jEdit 4.3). You can open as many dialog boxes as you want.

2 - The "Edit macro" button opens the configuration file of the LaTeX macro in a buffer. You can customize all properties of the dialog box form this file. After the configuration file is modified, close the dialog box(es) and re-open it.

3 - The "Master file" button permits the user to define the project main file for LaTeX compilation. It must be used only once per file (you don't need to define projects).

4 - Tab corresponding to a buffer containing a standard LaTeX file (part of a "project", not necessarily a master document). For compiling it by clicking the "LaTeX" or "pdfTex" buttons, the buffer containing this file must be the active one (click on the tab before compilation).

5 - "Parse" button for seraching the labels contained in all the files of the "project". The result is a file similar to the one of the screenshot below. It contains project file paths, sectioning and label information with corresponding line numbers.

6 - This is the file generated by clicking the "Parse" button (.labelTeX.tex). This file has ".tex" extension just for coloured syntax, it is the list of the of the labels, files, sections appearing in the considered "project". Copy and past references into your LaTeX file. The .labelTeX.tex file can also be used for browsing your project (see item 7 and 8).

7 - For big "projects" the file of item 6 might be very large. For easier navigation, markers are added in front of all references to chapters (or sections if only one or no chapter). You can go to a chapter reference by using the markers menu or using shortcuts (C+y key).

8 - The "Go to" button must be used together with the file of item 6 or the file generated from errors/warnings parsing (button "Errors"). Just move the caret to a line of this file containing a label reference and click the button. The file containing this label will be opened so that the label is located at the top of the buffer.

9 - Several plugins are required or useful, for example: "console", "error list", "view register", "buffer tabs" and so on. Here, I have added buttons for using the "navigation" plugin.

10 - Several external programs can be launched directly from the macro dialog box. Here, for example, this button launches Jabref, a bibliography manager....
